Is your organisation looking to support a project but funds are holding you back?
The new Nuclear Industry Benevolent Fund community grant is available to organisations whose mission is directly or indirectly related to the relief of financial hardship in the UK nuclear industry or communities local to nuclear sites.
Examples of types of projects eligible to apply for a community grant:
• A youth club or school near a nuclear site wishing to run STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) workshops for their members/students, over and above those funded by local education authorities
• A non-profit organisation set up to promote skills in the UK nuclear industry proposing to run mentoring workshops or mock interview workshops, particularly for hard to reach communities and underrepresented groups in society – help with costs of set-up and travel
• A community group local to a nuclear site needing funding for sports for young people
• Summer schools set up by a school, college or university to help develop knowledge, skills and understanding of the nuclear industry, and increase employability across the sector – over and above those funded by local or central government and employers
• A non-profit nuclear organisation planning to hold a conference to raise awareness of nuclear skills and employment options
Financial grants from a few hundred pounds up to £50,000 for eligible organisations are available.