Who is eligible to apply to TNIBF?
+You are eligible to apply to TNIBF if you have ever been employed in the UK Nuclear Industry, normally as a direct employee or Agency Supplied Worker.
Anyone who has worked in a different capacity and believes that they may be eligible is welcome to apply and their eligibility will be considered.
Assistance can also include help for dependent family members.
TNIBF also has a bursary scheme and a community grant for which the eligibility criteria differs. Further detail can be found on our website.
Do I have to be a Contributor to the Fund to apply for assistance?
+You do not have to contribute or have ever contributed to the Fund to apply for assistance.
How do I apply?
+You can apply either by online application form, or by requesting a paper form via email or telephone. Contact details below:
Confidential Helpline: 0800 587 6040
General Enquiries: 01925 633005
Via The ‘Contact Us’ button
Or by writing to us at:
TNIBF, Unit CU1, Warrington Business Park, Long Lane, Warrington, WA2 8TX
What are the types of assistance that can be offered?
+TNIBF provides support covering a wide range of situations including disability adaptations, essential home repairs, mobility equipment, household appliances and other one off grants tailored to the individuals needs.
There are no limits on the amount of assistance awarded. Each application is considered on a case by case basis dependant on the individual circumstances.
In addition to the main scheme covering individuals in financial hardship, TNIBF also has a bursary scheme and community grant. Further details are available via the website.
If I am eligible to apply, what are the next steps?
+MAIN SCHEME: In order to prepare your case we would need income and expenditure details for everyone in the household.
Once we have all the required information, your case would be presented to a small number of Trustees at the Fund’s Cases Committee meeting. These are held 5 times a year. A decision would be communicated to you shortly after.
In the event that your situation required immediate attention, your application would be considered outside of the Cases Committee meeting.
BURSARY SCHEME: You will need to complete our application form. This can be completed online or we can email or post a copy to you if you prefer. Once we have all the required information, your case would be presented to a small number of Trustees at the Fund’s regular Bursary Committee meeting and a decision communicated to you.
COMMUNITY GRANT: You will need to complete our application form. This can be completed online or we can email or post a copy to you if you prefer. Once we have all the required information, your case would be presented to a small number of Trustees at the Fund’s Community Grant Committee meeting.
Why do I have to provide details of all my income and expenditure?
+As the purpose of the Charity is to relieve and prevent financial hardship and distress, any assistance we provide is means tested accordingly. In order to determine what level of assistance is necessary, we require details of income and expenditure for the entire household.
We ensure that we treat all applicants fairly and consistently.
Information is only shared with Fund employees (4 part time staff) and a small number of Trustees present at the Cases Committee meeting.
Will my employer find out that I have applied?
+No. The Fund is an Independent Registered Charity and has no connection with any Nuclear Companies. All enquiries/applications are treated with sensitivity and in the strictest of confidence.
Occasionally we have applicants that contact us via a third party (Citizens Advice Bureau, Age UK, Union Representative at work etc). We would always ensure that the applicant is happy for that third party to be involved and that they give their express permission where information may be shared.
I’m in debt, Can you help?
+We understand the huge impact that living with debt can have on someone. It can affect your work, relationships and health. It is critical that an individual experiencing debt seeks the appropriate specialist advice.
The Fund cannot help directly with debts and additionally we do not have the facility in house to offer debt advice so if someone comes to us with debt, as part of the application process we would encourage them to seek advice from a reputable Money Advice Service such as Payplan, National Debtline and StepChange Debt Charity. All these organisations offer no obligation advice and debt solutions completely free of charge.
The Fund may help in the meantime with short term financial assistance whilst the debt issue is being addressed and appropriate debt solutions are being set up.
I have a small amount of savings which I have specifically set aside for my funeral, is it worth me still applying?
+Dependant on the circumstances, the Fund would ordinarily take into account savings that have been set aside for this purpose.
Is there anything specifically that the Fund does not help with?
+Although the Fund would always consider circumstances on a case by case basis, it is not within the Funds remit to award assistance towards private medical, legal and business related expenses. Additionally the Fund cannot help directly with debt.
Is there a limit to the number of times I can apply to the Fund?
+No there is no limit. We often receive enquiries/applications from people who have had assistance historically, their circumstances have changed and they have returned for help.
Where does the Fund receive its funding from?
+The Funds main source of income is generated from investments.
How will you use my personal information/Do you have a privacy policy?
+The Fund is committed to protecting your privacy. In order to meet the remit of the Fund it is necessary for us gather personal data with the full consent of those involved. This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect.
During the course of its activities, the Fund is committed to protecting privacy and any personal data obtained shall be:
• Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals
• Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes
• Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed
• Accurate and kept up to date (as necessary and subject to any amendments, corrections or deletions)
• Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed
• Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage
using appropriate technical or organisational measures
You have the right to the following:
• Right to be informed – Individuals should be informed of how their data is collected, stored and processed in a clear and accessible way
• Right of access – Individuals can request access to a copy of their data and details of how it is processed
• Right to rectification – Individuals are entitled to have their data corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
• Right to restrict processing – Individuals can request a halt on processing if they object to its accuracy or its purpose, but data can be held until any issues can be resolved.
• Right to data portability – Individuals can request their data in a suitable digital format sent either directly to them or to a third party
• Right to object – Individuals can, object to the processing of their data and appropriate action will be taken.
By using the contact form on this website you agree that your details will be securely transmitted to us via email. You agree that we will then act upon that data, retaining it for a legally reasonable amount of time in order to contact you. If, once contacted, you decide to progress with an application to the Fund we will collect the following personal data from you:
• Name
• Date of Birth
• Contact details
• Any employment details
• Bank Details (for payments to individuals only)
• Financial details in support of an application for assistance (income, expenditure, debts)
• Other personal information provided by an applicant in relation to their application
• Dependents (name and date of birth)
Why do we collect and use personal data?
To administer both the day to day running of the Fund and to administer, assess and process applications for charitable financial assistance. Any data that we collect is only done with prior consent and understanding of the person supplying the data. With your prior consent, we may need to gather personal information about close family members and dependants. In such cases it will be your responsibility to ensure that you have the consent of the people concerned to pass their information to us.
Who do we share the data with?
We only share the data with those involved in the administration of the Fund and/or decision making processes. The Benevolent Fund will not share information with any other third party.
How do we store information?
Any personal data is stored in a secure environment and destroyed securely once no longer required for the purpose intended.
How long do we retain data?
Data is retained no longer than is necessary for the purpose intended. As a guideline:
• Employment and Trustee records are retained for the duration of appointment. Upon leaving, records are retained no longer than 5 years (other than financial details which will be retained for 7
years for accounting purposes)
• Applicants/Beneficiaries records are retained for the duration of their regular assistance. Data is then held for 7 years for accounting purposes.
How can I access the information you hold about me?
You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you’d like a copy of some or all of your personal information please email or write to us using the contact details below.
We have an obligation to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. Please ask us to correct or remove any information that you think is incorrect.
What can you do if you are unhappy with how your personal data is processed.
You have a right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority for data protection in the UK this is The Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Breach of data
The Fund is committed to taking individuals privacy seriously and its procedures reflect all mitigations that the Fund undertakes to protect any personal data in the course of its activities. However, in the unlikely event of a data breach, the Fund is committed to conduct a thorough investigation and take immediate action as appropriate.
Changes to our Privacy policy
We keep our privacy policy under review. Our privacy policy was last updated April 2018.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Funds approach to privacy and its use of personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us:
The Nuclear Industry Benevolent Fund
Unit CU1
Warrington Business Park
Long Lane
01925 633005